2022 | Italy

Marzipan it is a blend of orange and brown that connects us to the natural world. this color can be combined with any other in this selection and, to enhance its luxurious side, it is enough to include some gold details. Seneca Rock: The interiors with this raw color may seem unsophisticated but, personalising them through your use of accessories and finishes, especially in gold, we can create a cosy and curated atmosphere. Silver Sconce with some light nuance of blue, siver sconce is a solid gray color but through the use of reflective pigments it gives an elegant metallic sheen. viewing it in various lights produces a rich range of shades that goes beyond a simple tone. Summer Sand it is reminiscent of the beach and warm summer days. As a nude, it easily pairs with a wide variety of shades, making it versatile. When utilised correctly this will give a feeling of warmth and familiarity to a room. in additional, summers sand is ideal for the small spaces or poorly lit.